Source code for S1_NRB.ard

import os
import re
import time
import shutil
import logging
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import numpy as np
from lxml import etree
from time import gmtime, strftime
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from osgeo import gdal
from spatialist.vector import Vector, vectorize, boundary, bbox, intersect
from spatialist.raster import Raster, rasterize, Dtype
from spatialist.auxil import gdalwarp, gdalbuildvrt
from spatialist.ancillary import finder
from pyroSAR import identify, identify_many
import S1_NRB
from S1_NRB import dem, ocn
from S1_NRB.metadata import extract, xml, stac
from S1_NRB.metadata.mapping import LERC_ERR_THRES
from S1_NRB.ancillary import generate_unique_id, vrt_add_overviews
from S1_NRB.metadata.extract import copy_src_meta, get_src_meta, find_in_annotation
from S1_NRB.snap import find_datasets

[docs] def format(config, product_type, scenes, datadir, outdir, tile, extent, epsg, wbm=None, dem_type=None, multithread=True, compress=None, overviews=None, kml=None, annotation=None, update=False): """ Finalizes the generation of Sentinel-1 Analysis Ready Data (ARD) products after SAR processing has finished. This includes the following: - Creating all measurement and annotation datasets in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) format - Creating additional annotation datasets in Virtual Raster Tile (VRT) format - Applying the ARD product directory structure & naming convention - Generating metadata in XML and JSON formats for the ARD product as well as source SLC datasets Parameters ---------- config: dict Dictionary of the parsed config parameters for the current process. product_type: str The type of ARD product to be generated. Options: 'NRB' or 'ORB'. scenes: list[str] List of scenes to process. Either a single scene or multiple, matching scenes (consecutive acquisitions). All scenes are expected to overlap with `extent` and an error will be thrown if the processing output cannot be found for any of the scenes. datadir: str The directory containing the SAR datasets processed from the source scenes using pyroSAR. outdir: str The directory to write the final files to. tile: str ID of an MGRS tile. extent: dict Spatial extent of the MGRS tile, derived from a :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` object. epsg: int The CRS used for the ARD product; provided as an EPSG code. wbm: str or None Path to a water body mask file with the dimensions of an MGRS tile. dem_type: str or None if defined, a DEM layer will be added to the product. The suffix `em` (elevation model) is used. Default `None`: do not add a DEM layer. multithread: bool Should `gdalwarp` use multithreading? Default is True. The number of threads used, can be adjusted in the `config.ini` file with the parameter `gdal_threads`. compress: str or None Compression algorithm to use. See for options. Defaults to 'LERC_DEFLATE'. overviews: list[int] or None Internal overview levels to be created for each GeoTIFF file. Defaults to [2, 4, 9, 18, 36] kml: str or None The KML file containing the MGRS tile geometries. Only needs to be defined if `dem_type!=None`. annotation: list[str] or None an optional list to select the annotation layers. Default `None`: create all layers if the source products contain the required input layers. Options: - dm: data mask (four masks: not layover not shadow, layover, shadow, water) - ei: ellipsoidal incident angle - em: digital elevation model - id: acquisition ID image (source scene ID per pixel) - lc: RTC local contributing area - ld: range look direction angle - li: local incident angle - np: noise power (NESZ, per polarization) - gs: gamma-sigma ratio: sigma0 RTC / gamma0 RTC - sg: sigma-gamma ratio: gamma0 RTC / sigma0 ellipsoidal - wm: OCN product wind model; requires OCN scenes via argument `scenes_ocn` update: bool modify existing products so that only missing files are re-created? Returns ------- str Either the time spent executing the function in seconds or 'Already processed - Skip!' """ if compress is None: compress = 'LERC_ZSTD' if overviews is None: overviews = [2, 4, 9, 18, 36] ovr_resampling = 'AVERAGE' driver = 'COG' blocksize = 512 dst_nodata_float = -9999.0 dst_nodata_byte = 255 vrt_nodata = 'nan' # was found necessary for proper calculation of statistics in QGIS vrt_options = {'VRTNodata': vrt_nodata} # determine processing timestamp and generate unique ID start_time = time.time() proc_time = t = proc_time.isoformat().encode() product_id = generate_unique_id(encoded_str=t) src_ids, datasets_sar = get_datasets(scenes=scenes, datadir=datadir, extent=extent, epsg=epsg) if len(src_ids) == 0: print('None of the processed scenes overlap with the current tile {tile_id}'.format(tile_id=tile)) return if annotation is not None: allowed = [] for key in datasets_sar[0]: c1 ='[gs]-lin', key) c2 = key in annotation c3 = key.startswith('np') and 'np' in annotation if c1 or c2 or c3: allowed.append(key) else: allowed = [key for key in datasets_sar[0].keys() if'[gs]-lin', key)] annotation = [] for item in ['em', 'id']: if item in annotation: allowed.append(item) # GDAL output bounds bounds = [extent['xmin'], extent['ymin'], extent['xmax'], extent['ymax']] ard_start, ard_stop = calc_product_start_stop(src_ids=src_ids, extent=extent, epsg=epsg) meta = {'mission': src_ids[0].sensor, 'mode': src_ids[0].meta['acquisition_mode'], 'ard_spec': product_type, 'polarization': {"['HH']": 'SH', "['VV']": 'SV', "['HH', 'HV']": 'DH', "['VV', 'VH']": 'DV'}[str(src_ids[0].polarizations)], 'start': ard_start, 'orbitnumber': src_ids[0].meta['orbitNumbers_abs']['start'], 'datatake': hex(src_ids[0].meta['frameNumber']).replace('x', '').upper(), 'tile': tile, 'id': product_id} meta_lower = dict((k, v.lower() if not isinstance(v, int) else v) for k, v in meta.items()) skeleton_dir = '{mission}_{mode}_{ard_spec}__1S{polarization}_{start}_{orbitnumber:06}_{datatake:0>6}_{tile}_{id}' skeleton_files = '{mission}-{mode}-{ard_spec}-{start}-{orbitnumber:06}-{datatake:0>6}-{tile}-{suffix}.tif' ard_base = skeleton_dir.format(**meta) existing = finder(outdir, [ard_base.replace(product_id, '*')], foldermode=2) if len(existing) > 0: if not update: return 'Already processed - Skip!' else: ard_dir = existing[0] else: ard_dir = os.path.join(outdir, ard_base) os.makedirs(ard_dir, exist_ok=True) subdirectories = ['measurement', 'annotation', 'source', 'support'] for subdirectory in subdirectories: os.makedirs(os.path.join(ard_dir, subdirectory), exist_ok=True) # prepare raster write options; write_options_base = ['BLOCKSIZE={}'.format(blocksize), 'OVERVIEW_RESAMPLING={}'.format(ovr_resampling)] write_options = dict() for key in LERC_ERR_THRES: write_options[key] = write_options_base.copy() if compress is not None: entry = 'COMPRESS={}'.format(compress) write_options[key].append(entry) if compress.startswith('LERC'): entry = 'MAX_Z_ERROR={:f}'.format(LERC_ERR_THRES[key]) write_options[key].append(entry) # create raster files: linear gamma0/sigma0 backscatter (-[vh|vv|hh|hv]-[gs]-lin.tif), # ellipsoidal incident angle (-ei.tif), gamma-to-sigma ratio (-gs.tif), # local contributing area (-lc.tif), local incident angle (-li.tif), # noise power images (-np-[vh|vv|hh|hv].tif) datasets_ard = dict() for key in list(datasets_sar[0].keys()): if key in ['dm', 'wm'] or key not in LERC_ERR_THRES.keys() or key not in allowed: # raster files for keys 'dm' and 'wm' are created later continue meta_lower['suffix'] = key outname_base = skeleton_files.format(**meta_lower) if'[gs]-lin', key): subdir = 'measurement' else: subdir = 'annotation' outname = os.path.join(ard_dir, subdir, outname_base) if not os.path.isfile(outname): print(outname) images = [ds[key] for ds in datasets_sar] ras = None if len(images) > 1: ras = Raster(images, list_separate=False) source = ras.filename else: source = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.vrt').name gdalbuildvrt(src=images[0], dst=source) # modify temporary VRT to make sure overview levels and resampling are properly applied vrt_add_overviews(vrt=source, overviews=overviews, resampling=ovr_resampling) options = {'format': driver, 'outputBounds': bounds, 'dstNodata': dst_nodata_float, 'multithread': multithread, 'creationOptions': write_options[key]} gdalwarp(src=source, dst=outname, **options) if ras is not None: ras.close() datasets_ard[key] = outname # define a reference raster from the annotation datasets and list all gamma0/sigma0 backscatter measurement rasters measure_tifs = [v for k, v in datasets_ard.items() if'[gs]-lin', k)] ref_key = list(datasets_ard.keys())[0] ref_tif = datasets_ard[ref_key] # create data mask raster (-dm.tif) if 'dm' in allowed: if wbm is not None: if not config['dem_type'] == 'GETASSE30' and not os.path.isfile(wbm): raise FileNotFoundError('External water body mask could not be found: {}'.format(wbm)) dm_path = ref_tif.replace(f'-{ref_key}.tif', '-dm.tif') if not os.path.isfile(dm_path): create_data_mask(outname=dm_path, datasets=datasets_sar, extent=extent, epsg=epsg, driver=driver, creation_opt=write_options['dm'], overviews=overviews, overview_resampling=ovr_resampling, dst_nodata=dst_nodata_byte, wbm=wbm, product_type=product_type) datasets_ard['dm'] = dm_path # create acquisition ID image raster (-id.tif) if 'id' in allowed: id_path = ref_tif.replace(f'-{ref_key}.tif', '-id.tif') if not os.path.isfile(id_path): create_acq_id_image(outname=id_path, ref_tif=ref_tif, datasets=datasets_sar, src_ids=src_ids, extent=extent, epsg=epsg, driver=driver, creation_opt=write_options['id'], overviews=overviews, dst_nodata=dst_nodata_byte) datasets_ard['id'] = id_path # create DEM (-em.tif) if dem_type is not None and 'em' in allowed: if kml is None: raise RuntimeError("If 'dem_type' is not None, `kml` needs to be defined.") em_path = ref_tif.replace(f'-{ref_key}.tif', '-em.tif') if not os.path.isfile(em_path): print(em_path) with Raster(ref_tif) as ras: tr = ras.res log_pyro = logging.getLogger('pyroSAR') level = log_pyro.level log_pyro.setLevel('NOTSET') dem.to_mgrs(dem_type=dem_type, dst=em_path, kml=kml, overviews=overviews, tile=tile, tr=tr, create_options=write_options['em'], pbar=False) log_pyro.setLevel(level) datasets_ard['em'] = em_path # create color composite VRT (-cc-[gs]-lin.vrt) if meta['polarization'] in ['DH', 'DV'] and len(measure_tifs) == 2: cc_path = re.sub('[hv]{2}', 'cc', measure_tifs[0]).replace('.tif', '.vrt') if not os.path.isfile(cc_path): create_rgb_vrt(outname=cc_path, infiles=measure_tifs, overviews=overviews, overview_resampling=ovr_resampling) key ='cc-[gs]-lin', cc_path).group() datasets_ard[key] = cc_path # create log-scaled gamma0|sigma0 nought VRTs (-[vh|vv|hh|hv]-[gs]-log.vrt) fun = 'dB' args = {'fact': 10} scale = None for item in measure_tifs: target = item.replace('lin.tif', 'log.vrt') if not os.path.isfile(target): print(target) create_vrt(src=item, dst=target, fun=fun, scale=scale, args=args, options=vrt_options, overviews=overviews, overview_resampling=ovr_resampling) key ='[hv]{2}-[gs]-log', target).group() datasets_ard[key] = target # create sigma nought RTC VRTs (-[vh|vv|hh|hv]-s-[lin|log].vrt) if 'gs' in allowed: gs_path = datasets_ard['gs'] for item in measure_tifs: sigma0_rtc_lin = item.replace('g-lin.tif', 's-lin.vrt') sigma0_rtc_log = item.replace('g-lin.tif', 's-log.vrt') if not os.path.isfile(sigma0_rtc_lin): print(sigma0_rtc_lin) create_vrt(src=[item, gs_path], dst=sigma0_rtc_lin, fun='mul', relpaths=True, options=vrt_options, overviews=overviews, overview_resampling=ovr_resampling) key ='[hv]{2}-s-lin', sigma0_rtc_lin).group() datasets_ard[key] = sigma0_rtc_lin if not os.path.isfile(sigma0_rtc_log): print(sigma0_rtc_log) create_vrt(src=sigma0_rtc_lin, dst=sigma0_rtc_log, fun=fun, scale=scale, options=vrt_options, overviews=overviews, overview_resampling=ovr_resampling, args=args) key = key.replace('lin', 'log') datasets_ard[key] = sigma0_rtc_log # create gamma nought RTC VRTs (-[vh|vv|hh|hv]-g-[lin|log].vrt) if 'sg' in allowed: sg_path = datasets_ard['sg'] for item in measure_tifs: if not item.endswith('s-lin.tif'): continue gamma0_rtc_lin = item.replace('s-lin.tif', 'g-lin.vrt') gamma0_rtc_log = item.replace('s-lin.tif', 'g-log.vrt') if not os.path.isfile(gamma0_rtc_lin): print(gamma0_rtc_lin) create_vrt(src=[item, sg_path], dst=gamma0_rtc_lin, fun='mul', relpaths=True, options=vrt_options, overviews=overviews, overview_resampling=ovr_resampling) key ='[hv]{2}-g-lin', gamma0_rtc_lin).group() datasets_ard[key] = gamma0_rtc_lin if not os.path.isfile(gamma0_rtc_log): print(gamma0_rtc_log) create_vrt(src=gamma0_rtc_lin, dst=gamma0_rtc_log, fun=fun, scale=scale, options=vrt_options, overviews=overviews, overview_resampling=ovr_resampling, args=args) key = key.replace('lin', 'log') datasets_ard[key] = gamma0_rtc_log # create backscatter wind model (-wm.tif) # and wind normalization VRT (-[vv|hh]-s-lin-wn.vrt) wm_ref_files = None if 'wm' in annotation: wm = [] wm_ref_files = [] for i, ds in enumerate(datasets_sar): if 'wm' in ds.keys(): wm.append(ds['wm']) for key in ['wm_ref_speed', 'wm_ref_direction']: if key in ds.keys(): wm_ref_files.append(ds[key]) else: scene_base = os.path.basename(src_ids[i].scene) raise RuntimeError(f'could not find wind model product for scene {scene_base}') copol = 'VV' if 'VV' in src_ids[0].polarizations else 'HH' copol_sigma0_key = f'{copol.lower()}-s-lin' if copol_sigma0_key in datasets_ard.keys(): copol_sigma0 = datasets_ard[copol_sigma0_key] wn_ard = re.sub(r's-lin\.(?:tif|vrt)', 's-lin-wn.vrt', copol_sigma0) else: copol_sigma0 = None wn_ard = None meta_lower['suffix'] = 'wm' outname_base = skeleton_files.format(**meta_lower) wm_ard = os.path.join(ard_dir, 'annotation', outname_base) gapfill = True if src_ids[0].product == 'GRD' else False wind_normalization(src=wm, dst_wm=wm_ard, dst_wn=wn_ard, measurement=copol_sigma0, gapfill=gapfill, bounds=bounds, epsg=epsg, driver=driver, creation_opt=write_options['wm'], dst_nodata=dst_nodata_float, multithread=multithread) datasets_ard['wm'] = wm_ard datasets_ard[f'{copol_sigma0_key}-wn'] = wn_ard # copy support files schema_dir = os.path.join(S1_NRB.__path__[0], 'validation', 'schemas') schemas = os.listdir(schema_dir) for schema in schemas: schema_in = os.path.join(schema_dir, schema) schema_out = os.path.join(ard_dir, 'support', schema) if not os.path.isfile(schema_out): print(schema_out) shutil.copy(schema_in, schema_out) # create metadata files in XML and (STAC) JSON formats start = datetime.strptime(ard_start, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') stop = datetime.strptime(ard_stop, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') meta = extract.meta_dict(config=config, target=ard_dir, src_ids=src_ids, sar_dir=datadir, proc_time=proc_time, start=start, stop=stop, compression=compress, product_type=product_type, wm_ref_files=wm_ref_files) ard_assets = sorted(sorted(list(datasets_ard.values()), key=lambda x: os.path.splitext(x)[1]), key=lambda x: os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(x)), reverse=True) if config['meta']['copy_original']: copy_src_meta(ard_dir=ard_dir, src_ids=src_ids) if 'OGC' in config['meta']['format']: xml.parse(meta=meta, target=ard_dir, assets=ard_assets, exist_ok=True) if 'STAC' in config['meta']['format']: stac.parse(meta=meta, target=ard_dir, assets=ard_assets, exist_ok=True) return str(round((time.time() - start_time), 2))
[docs] def get_datasets(scenes, datadir, extent, epsg): """ Collect processing output for a list of scenes. Reads metadata from all source SLC/GRD scenes, finds matching output files in `datadir` and filters both lists depending on the actual overlap of each SLC/GRD valid data coverage with the current MGRS tile geometry. If no output is found for any scene the function will raise an error. To obtain the extent of valid data coverage, first a binary mask raster file is created with the name `datamask.tif`, which is stored in the same folder as the processing output as found by :func:`~S1_NRB.snap.find_datasets`. Then, the boundary of this binary mask is computed and stored as `datamask.gpkg` (see function :func:`spatialist.vector.boundary`). If the provided `extent` does not overlap with this boundary, the output is discarded. This scenario might occur when the scene's geometry read from its metadata overlaps with the tile but the actual extent of data does not. Parameters ---------- scenes: list[str] List of scenes to process. Either an individual scene or multiple, matching scenes (consecutive acquisitions). datadir: str The directory containing the SAR datasets processed from the source scenes using pyroSAR. The function will raise an error if the processing output cannot be found for all scenes in `datadir`. extent: dict Spatial extent of the MGRS tile, derived from a :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` object. epsg: int The coordinate reference system as an EPSG code. Returns ------- ids: list[:class:`pyroSAR.drivers.ID`] List of :class:`~pyroSAR.drivers.ID` objects of all source SLC/GRD scenes that overlap with the current MGRS tile. datasets: list[dict] List of SAR processing output files that match each :class:`~pyroSAR.drivers.ID` object of `ids`. The format is a list of dictionaries per scene with keys as described by e.g. :func:`S1_NRB.snap.find_datasets`. See Also -------- :func:`S1_NRB.snap.find_datasets` """ ids = identify_many(scenes) datasets = [] for i, _id in enumerate(ids): files = find_datasets(scene=_id.scene, outdir=datadir, epsg=epsg) if files is not None: base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_id.scene))[0] ocn = re.sub('(?:SLC_|GRD[FHM])_1', 'OCN__2', base)[:-5] # allow 1 second tolerance s_start = int(ocn[31]) s_stop = int(ocn[47]) ocn_list = list(ocn) s = 1 ocn_list[31] = f'[{s_start - s}{s_start}{s_start + s}]' ocn_list[47] = f'[{s_stop - s}{s_stop}{s_stop + s}]' ocn = ''.join(ocn_list) ocn_match = finder(target=datadir, matchlist=[ocn], regex=True, foldermode=2) if len(ocn_match) > 0: for v in ['owiNrcsCmod', 'owiEcmwfWindSpeed', 'owiEcmwfWindDirection']: ocn_tif = os.path.join(ocn_match[0], f'{v}.tif') if os.path.isfile(ocn_tif): if v.endswith('Speed'): files['wm_ref_speed'] = ocn_tif elif v.endswith('Direction'): files['wm_ref_direction'] = ocn_tif else: files['wm'] = ocn_tif datasets.append(files) else: base = os.path.basename(_id.scene) raise RuntimeError(f'cannot find processing output for scene {base}') i = 0 while i < len(datasets): measurements = [datasets[i][x] for x in datasets[i].keys() if'[gs]-lin', x)] dm_ras = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(measurements[0]), 'datamask.tif') dm_vec = dm_ras.replace('.tif', '.gpkg') if not os.path.isfile(dm_ras): with Raster(measurements[0]) as ras: arr = ras.array() mask = ~np.isnan(arr) del arr # remove scene if file does not contain valid data if len(mask[mask == 1]) == 0: del ids[i], datasets[i] continue with vectorize(target=mask, reference=ras) as vec: with boundary(vec, expression="value=1") as bounds: if not os.path.isfile(dm_ras): rasterize(vectorobject=bounds, reference=ras, outname=dm_ras) if not os.path.isfile(dm_vec): bounds.write(outfile=dm_vec) del mask if not os.path.isfile(dm_vec): with Raster(dm_ras) as ras: mask = ras.array().astype('bool') # remove scene if file does not contain valid data if len(mask[mask == 1]) == 0: del ids[i], datasets[i] continue with vectorize(target=mask, reference=ras) as vec: boundary(vec, expression="value=1", outname=dm_vec) del mask with Vector(dm_vec) as bounds: with bbox(extent, epsg) as tile_geom: inter = intersect(bounds, tile_geom) if inter is None: del ids[i] del datasets[i] else: # Add dm_ras to the datasets if it overlaps with the current tile datasets[i]['datamask'] = dm_ras i += 1 inter.close() return ids, datasets
[docs] def create_vrt(src, dst, fun, relpaths=False, scale=None, offset=None, dtype=None, args=None, options=None, overviews=None, overview_resampling=None): """ Creates a VRT file for the specified source dataset(s) and adds a pixel function that should be applied on the fly when opening the VRT file. Parameters ---------- src: str or list[str] The input dataset(s). dst: str The output dataset. fun: str A `PixelFunctionType` that should be applied on the fly when opening the VRT file. The function is applied to a band that derives its pixel information from the source bands. A list of possible options can be found here: Furthermore, the option 'decibel' can be specified, which will implement a custom pixel function that uses Python code for decibel conversion (10*log10). relpaths: bool Should all `SourceFilename` XML elements with attribute `@relativeToVRT="0"` be updated to be paths relative to the output VRT file? Default is False. scale: int or None The scale that should be applied when computing “real” pixel values from scaled pixel values on a raster band. Will be ignored if `fun='decibel'`. offset: float or None The offset that should be applied when computing “real” pixel values from scaled pixel values on a raster band. Will be ignored if `fun='decibel'`. dtype: str or None the data type of the written VRT file; default None: same data type as source data. data type notations of GDAL (e.g. `Float32`) and numpy (e.g. `int8`) are supported. args: dict or None arguments for `fun` passed as `PixelFunctionArguments`. Requires GDAL>=3.5 to be read. options: dict or None Additional parameters passed to `gdal.BuildVRT`. overviews: list[int] or None Internal overview levels to be created for each raster file. overview_resampling: str or None Resampling method for overview levels. Examples -------- linear gamma0 backscatter as input: >>> src = 's1a-iw-nrb-20220601t052704-043465-0530a1-32tpt-vh-g-lin.tif' decibel scaling I: use `log10` pixel function and additional `Scale` parameter. Known to display well in QGIS, but `Scale` is ignored when reading array in Python. >>> dst = src.replace('-lin.tif', '-log1.vrt') >>> create_vrt(src=src, dst=dst, fun='log10', scale=10) decibel scaling II: use custom Python pixel function. Requires additional environment variable GDAL_VRT_ENABLE_PYTHON set to YES. >>> dst = src.replace('-lin.tif', '-log2.vrt') >>> create_vrt(src=src, dst=dst, fun='decibel') decibel scaling III: use `dB` pixel function with additional `PixelFunctionArguments`. Works best but requires GDAL>=3.5. >>> dst = src.replace('-lin.tif', '-log3.vrt') >>> create_vrt(src=src, dst=dst, fun='dB', args={'fact': 10}) """ options = {} if options is None else options gdalbuildvrt(src=src, dst=dst, **options) tree = etree.parse(dst) root = tree.getroot() band = tree.find('VRTRasterBand') band.attrib['subClass'] = 'VRTDerivedRasterBand' if dtype is not None: band.attrib['dataType'] = Dtype(dtype).gdalstr if fun == 'decibel': pxfun_language = etree.SubElement(band, 'PixelFunctionLanguage') pxfun_language.text = 'Python' pxfun_type = etree.SubElement(band, 'PixelFunctionType') pxfun_type.text = fun pxfun_code = etree.SubElement(band, 'PixelFunctionCode') pxfun_code.text = etree.CDATA(""" import numpy as np def decibel(in_ar, out_ar, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, raster_xsize, raster_ysize, buf_radius, gt, **kwargs): np.multiply(np.log10(in_ar[0], where=in_ar[0]>0.0, out=out_ar, dtype='float32'), 10.0, out=out_ar, dtype='float32') """) else: pixfun_type = etree.SubElement(band, 'PixelFunctionType') pixfun_type.text = fun if args is not None: arg = etree.SubElement(band, 'PixelFunctionArguments') for key, value in args.items(): arg.attrib[key] = str(value) if scale is not None: sc = etree.SubElement(band, 'Scale') sc.text = str(scale) if offset is not None: off = etree.SubElement(band, 'Offset') off.text = str(offset) if any([overviews, overview_resampling]) is not None: ovr = tree.find('OverviewList') if ovr is None: ovr = etree.SubElement(root, 'OverviewList') if overview_resampling is not None: ovr.attrib['resampling'] = overview_resampling.lower() if overviews is not None: ov = str(overviews) for x in ['[', ']', ',']: ov = ov.replace(x, '') ovr.text = ov if relpaths: srcfiles = tree.xpath('//SourceFilename[@relativeToVRT="0"]') for srcfile in srcfiles: repl = os.path.relpath(srcfile.text, start=os.path.dirname(dst)) repl = repl.replace('\\', '/') srcfile.text = repl srcfile.attrib['relativeToVRT'] = '1' etree.indent(root) tree.write(dst, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False, encoding='utf-8')
[docs] def create_rgb_vrt(outname, infiles, overviews, overview_resampling): """ Creation of the color composite VRT file. Parameters ---------- outname: str Full path to the output VRT file. infiles: list[str] A list of paths pointing to the linear scaled measurement backscatter files. overviews: list[int] Internal overview levels to be defined for the created VRT file. overview_resampling: str Resampling method applied to overview pyramids. """ print(outname) # make sure order is right and co-polarization (VV or HH) is first pols = ['[hv]{2}', os.path.basename(f)).group() for f in infiles] if pols[1] in ['vv', 'hh']: infiles.reverse() pols.reverse() # format overview levels ov = str(overviews) for x in ['[', ']', ',']: ov = ov.replace(x, '') # create VRT file and change its content gdalbuildvrt(src=infiles, dst=outname, separate=True) tree = etree.parse(outname) root = tree.getroot() srs = tree.find('SRS').text geotrans = tree.find('GeoTransform').text bands = tree.findall('VRTRasterBand') vrt_nodata = bands[0].find('NoDataValue').text complex_src = [band.find('ComplexSource') for band in bands] for cs in complex_src: cs.remove(cs.find('NODATA')) new_band = etree.SubElement(root, 'VRTRasterBand', attrib={'dataType': 'Float32', 'band': '3', 'subClass': 'VRTDerivedRasterBand'}) new_band_na = etree.SubElement(new_band, 'NoDataValue') new_band_na.text = 'nan' pxfun_type = etree.SubElement(new_band, 'PixelFunctionType') pxfun_type.text = 'mul' for cs in complex_src: new_band.append(deepcopy(cs)) src = new_band.findall('ComplexSource')[1] fname = src.find('SourceFilename') fname_old = fname.text src_attr = src.find('SourceProperties').attrib fname.text = etree.CDATA(""" <VRTDataset rasterXSize="{rasterxsize}" rasterYSize="{rasterysize}"> <SRS dataAxisToSRSAxisMapping="1,2">{srs}</SRS> <GeoTransform>{geotrans}</GeoTransform> <VRTRasterBand dataType="{dtype}" band="1" subClass="VRTDerivedRasterBand"> <NoDataValue>{vrt_nodata}</NoDataValue> <PixelFunctionType>{px_fun}</PixelFunctionType> <ComplexSource> <SourceFilename relativeToVRT="1">{fname}</SourceFilename> <SourceBand>1</SourceBand> <SourceProperties RasterXSize="{rasterxsize}" RasterYSize="{rasterysize}" DataType="{dtype}" BlockXSize="{blockxsize}" BlockYSize="{blockysize}"/> <SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="{rasterxsize}" ySize="{rasterysize}"/> <DstRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="{rasterxsize}" ySize="{rasterysize}"/> </ComplexSource> </VRTRasterBand> <OverviewList resampling="{ov_resampling}">{ov}</OverviewList> </VRTDataset> """.format(rasterxsize=src_attr['RasterXSize'], rasterysize=src_attr['RasterYSize'], srs=srs, geotrans=geotrans, dtype=src_attr['DataType'], px_fun='inv', fname=fname_old, vrt_nodata=vrt_nodata, blockxsize=src_attr['BlockXSize'], blockysize=src_attr['BlockYSize'], ov_resampling=overview_resampling.lower(), ov=ov)) bands = tree.findall('VRTRasterBand') for band, col in zip(bands, ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']): color = etree.Element('ColorInterp') color.text = col band.insert(0, color) ovr = etree.SubElement(root, 'OverviewList', attrib={'resampling': overview_resampling.lower()}) ovr.text = ov etree.indent(root) tree.write(outname, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False, encoding='utf-8')
[docs] def calc_product_start_stop(src_ids, extent, epsg): """ Calculates the start and stop times of the ARD product. The geolocation grid points including their azimuth time information are extracted first from the metadata of each source SLC. These grid points are then used to interpolate the azimuth time for the lower right and upper left (ascending) or upper right and lower left (descending) corners of the MGRS tile extent. Parameters ---------- src_ids: list[pyroSAR.drivers.ID] List of :class:`~pyroSAR.drivers.ID` objects of all source SLC scenes that overlap with the current MGRS tile. extent: dict Spatial extent of the MGRS tile, derived from a :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` object. epsg: int The coordinate reference system as an EPSG code. Returns ------- tuple[str] Start and stop time of the ARD product formatted as `YYYYmmddTHHMMSS` in UTC. """ with bbox(extent, epsg) as tile_geom: tile_geom.reproject(4326) ext = tile_geom.extent ul = (ext['xmin'], ext['ymax']) ur = (ext['xmax'], ext['ymax']) lr = (ext['xmax'], ext['ymin']) ll = (ext['xmin'], ext['ymin']) tile_geom = None slc_dict = {} for i, sid in enumerate(src_ids): uid = os.path.basename(sid.scene).split('.')[0][-4:] slc_dict[uid] = get_src_meta(sid) slc_dict[uid]['sid'] = sid uids = list(slc_dict.keys()) for uid in uids: t = find_in_annotation(annotation_dict=slc_dict[uid]['annotation'], pattern='.//geolocationGridPoint/azimuthTime') swaths = t.keys() y = find_in_annotation(annotation_dict=slc_dict[uid]['annotation'], pattern='.//geolocationGridPoint/latitude') x = find_in_annotation(annotation_dict=slc_dict[uid]['annotation'], pattern='.//geolocationGridPoint/longitude') t_flat = np.asarray([datetime.fromisoformat(item).timestamp() for sublist in [t[swath] for swath in swaths] for item in sublist]) y_flat = np.asarray([float(item) for sublist in [y[swath] for swath in swaths] for item in sublist]) x_flat = np.asarray([float(item) for sublist in [x[swath] for swath in swaths] for item in sublist]) g = np.asarray([(x, y) for x, y in zip(x_flat, y_flat)]) slc_dict[uid]['az_time'] = t_flat slc_dict[uid]['gridpts'] = g if len(uids) == 2: starts = [datetime.strptime(slc_dict[key]['sid'].start, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') for key in slc_dict.keys()] if starts[0] > starts[1]: az_time = np.concatenate([slc_dict[uids[1]]['az_time'], slc_dict[uids[0]]['az_time']]) gridpts = np.concatenate([slc_dict[uids[1]]['gridpts'], slc_dict[uids[0]]['gridpts']]) else: az_time = np.concatenate([slc_dict[key]['az_time'] for key in slc_dict.keys()]) gridpts = np.concatenate([slc_dict[key]['gridpts'] for key in slc_dict.keys()]) else: az_time = slc_dict[uids[0]]['az_time'] gridpts = slc_dict[uids[0]]['gridpts'] if slc_dict[uids[0]]['sid'].orbit == 'A': coord1 = lr coord2 = ul else: coord1 = ur coord2 = ll method = 'linear' res = [griddata(gridpts, az_time, coord1, method=method), griddata(gridpts, az_time, coord2, method=method)] min_start = min([datetime.strptime(slc_dict[uid]['sid'].start, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') for uid in uids]) max_stop = max([datetime.strptime(slc_dict[uid]['sid'].stop, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') for uid in uids]) res_t = [] for i, r in enumerate(res): if np.isnan(r): if i == 0: res_t.append(min_start) else: res_t.append(max_stop) else: res_t.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(r))) start = datetime.strftime(res_t[0], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') stop = datetime.strftime(res_t[1], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') return start, stop
[docs] def create_data_mask(outname, datasets, extent, epsg, driver, creation_opt, overviews, overview_resampling, dst_nodata, product_type, wbm=None): """ Creation of the Data Mask image. Parameters ---------- outname: str Full path to the output data mask file. datasets: list[dict] List of processed output files that match the source scenes and overlap with the current MGRS tile. An error will be thrown if not all datasets contain a key `datamask`. The function will return without an error if not all datasets contain a key `dm`. extent: dict Spatial extent of the MGRS tile, derived from a :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` object. epsg: int The coordinate reference system as an EPSG code. driver: str GDAL driver to use for raster file creation. creation_opt: list[str] GDAL creation options to use for raster file creation. Should match specified GDAL driver. overviews: list[int] Internal overview levels to be created for each raster file. overview_resampling: str Resampling method for overview levels. dst_nodata: int or str Nodata value to write to the output raster. product_type: str The type of ARD product that is being created. Either 'NRB' or 'ORB'. wbm: str or None Path to a water body mask file with the dimensions of an MGRS tile. Optional if `product_type='NRB', mandatory if `product_type='ORB'`. """ measurement_keys = [x for x in datasets[0].keys() if'[gs]-lin', x)] measurement = [scene[measurement_keys[0]] for scene in datasets] datamask = [scene['datamask'] for scene in datasets] ls = [] for scene in datasets: if 'dm' in scene: ls.append(scene['dm']) else: return # do not create a data mask if not all scenes have a layover-shadow mask print(outname) dm_bands = ['not layover, nor shadow', 'layover', 'shadow', 'ocean', 'lakes', 'rivers'] if product_type == 'ORB': if wbm is None: raise RuntimeError('Water body mask is required for ORB products') tile_bounds = [extent['xmin'], extent['ymin'], extent['xmax'], extent['ymax']] vrt_ls = '/vsimem/' + os.path.dirname(outname) + 'ls.vrt' vrt_valid = '/vsimem/' + os.path.dirname(outname) + 'valid.vrt' vrt_measurement = '/vsimem/' + os.path.dirname(outname) + 'measurement.vrt' gdalbuildvrt(src=ls, dst=vrt_ls, outputBounds=tile_bounds, void=False) gdalbuildvrt(src=datamask, dst=vrt_valid, outputBounds=tile_bounds, void=False) gdalbuildvrt(src=measurement, dst=vrt_measurement, outputBounds=tile_bounds, void=False) with Raster(vrt_ls) as ras_ls: with bbox(extent, crs=epsg) as tile_vec: ras_ls_res = ras_ls.res rows = ras_ls.rows cols = ras_ls.cols geotrans = ras_ls.raster.GetGeoTransform() proj = ras_ls.raster.GetProjection() arr_dm = ras_ls.array() # Get Water Body Mask if wbm is not None: with Raster(wbm) as ras_wbm: ras_wbm_cols = ras_wbm.cols cols_ratio = ras_wbm_cols / cols if cols_ratio > 1: # create low resolution VRT res = int(ras_ls_res[0]) wbm_lowres = wbm.replace('.tif', f'_{res}m.vrt') options = {'xRes': res, 'yRes': res, 'resampleAlg': 'mode'} gdalbuildvrt(src=wbm, dst=wbm_lowres, **options) with Raster(wbm_lowres) as ras_wbm_lowres: arr_wbm = ras_wbm_lowres.array() else: arr_wbm = ras_wbm.array() else: del dm_bands[3:] # Extend the shadow class of the data mask with nodata values # from backscatter data and create final array with Raster(vrt_valid)[tile_vec] as ras_valid: with Raster(vrt_measurement)[tile_vec] as ras_measurement: arr_valid = ras_valid.array() arr_measurement = ras_measurement.array() arr_dm = np.nan_to_num(arr_dm) arr_dm = np.where(((arr_valid == 1) & (np.isnan(arr_measurement))), 2, arr_dm) arr_dm[np.isnan(arr_valid)] = dst_nodata del arr_measurement del arr_valid outname_tmp = '/vsimem/' + os.path.basename(outname) + '.vrt' gdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') ds_tmp = gdriver.Create(outname_tmp, rows, cols, len(dm_bands), gdal.GDT_Byte, options=['ALPHA=UNSPECIFIED', 'PHOTOMETRIC=MINISWHITE']) gdriver = None ds_tmp.SetGeoTransform(geotrans) ds_tmp.SetProjection(proj) for i, name in enumerate(dm_bands): band = ds_tmp.GetRasterBand(i + 1) # not layover, nor shadow if i == 0: arr = arr_dm == i # layover | shadow # source value 3: layover and shadow elif i in [1, 2]: arr = (arr_dm == i) | (arr_dm == 3) # ocean elif i == 3: arr = arr_wbm == 1 # lakes elif i == 4: arr = arr_wbm == 2 # rivers elif i == 5: arr = arr_wbm == 3 else: raise ValueError(f'unknown array value: {i}') arr = arr.astype('uint8') band.WriteArray(arr) band.SetNoDataValue(dst_nodata) band.SetDescription(name) band.FlushCache() band = None del arr ds_tmp.SetMetadataItem('TIFFTAG_DATETIME', strftime('%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime())) ds_tmp.BuildOverviews(overview_resampling, overviews) outDataset_cog = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver).CreateCopy(outname, ds_tmp, strict=1, options=creation_opt) outDataset_cog = None ds_tmp = None tile_vec = None
[docs] def create_acq_id_image(outname, ref_tif, datasets, src_ids, extent, epsg, driver, creation_opt, overviews, dst_nodata): """ Creation of the Acquisition ID image. Parameters ---------- outname: str Full path to the output data mask file. ref_tif: str Full path to any GeoTIFF file of the ARD product. datasets: list[dict] List of processed output files that match the source SLC scenes and overlap with the current MGRS tile. src_ids: list[pyroSAR.drivers.ID] List of :class:`~pyroSAR.drivers.ID` objects of all source SLC scenes that overlap with the current MGRS tile. extent: dict Spatial extent of the MGRS tile, derived from a :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` object. epsg: int The CRS used for the ARD product; provided as an EPSG code. driver: str GDAL driver to use for raster file creation. creation_opt: list[str] GDAL creation options to use for raster file creation. Should match specified GDAL driver. overviews: list[int] Internal overview levels to be created for each raster file. dst_nodata: int or str Nodata value to write to the output raster. """ print(outname) src_scenes = [sid.scene for sid in src_ids] # If there are two source scenes, make sure that the order of acquisitions in all lists is correct! if len(src_scenes) > 1: if not len(src_scenes) == 2 and len(datasets) == 2: raise RuntimeError('expected lists `src_scenes` and `valid_mask_list` to be of length 2; length is ' '{} and {} respectively'.format(len(src_scenes), len(datasets))) starts_src = [datetime.strptime(identify(f).start, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') for f in src_scenes] start_valid = ['[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}', os.path.basename(x)).group() for x in src_scenes] start_valid = [datetime.strptime(x, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') for x in start_valid] if starts_src[0] > starts_src[1]: src_scenes.reverse() starts_src.reverse() if start_valid[0] != starts_src[0]: datasets.reverse() if start_valid[0] != starts_src[0]: raise RuntimeError('failed to match order of lists `src_scenes` and `valid_mask_list`') tile_bounds = [extent['xmin'], extent['ymin'], extent['xmax'], extent['ymax']] arr_list = [] for dataset in datasets: vrt_valid = '/vsimem/' + os.path.dirname(outname) + 'mosaic.vrt' gdalbuildvrt(src=dataset['datamask'], dst=vrt_valid, outputBounds=tile_bounds, void=False) with bbox(extent, crs=epsg) as tile_vec: with Raster(vrt_valid)[tile_vec] as vrt_ras: vrt_arr = vrt_ras.array() arr_list.append(vrt_arr) del vrt_arr tile_vec = None src_scenes_clean = [os.path.basename(src).replace('.zip', '').replace('.SAFE', '') for src in src_scenes] tag = '{{"{src1}": 1}}'.format(src1=src_scenes_clean[0]) out_arr = np.full(arr_list[0].shape, dst_nodata) out_arr[arr_list[0] == 1] = 1 if len(arr_list) == 2: out_arr[arr_list[1] == 1] = 2 tag = '{{"{src1}": 1, "{src2}": 2}}'.format(src1=src_scenes_clean[0], src2=src_scenes_clean[1]) creation_opt.append('TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION={}'.format(tag)) with Raster(ref_tif) as ref_ras: ref_ras.write(outname, format=driver, array=out_arr.astype('uint8'), nodata=dst_nodata, overwrite=True, overviews=overviews, options=creation_opt)
[docs] def wind_normalization(src, dst_wm, dst_wn, measurement, gapfill, bounds, epsg, driver, creation_opt, dst_nodata, multithread, resolution=915): """ Create wind normalization layers. A wind model annotation layer is created and optionally a wind normalization VRT. Parameters ---------- src: list[str] A list of OCN products as prepared by :func:`S1_NRB.ocn.extract` dst_wm: str The name of the wind model layer in the ARD product dst_wn: str or None The name of the wind normalization VRT. If None, no VRT will be created. Requires `measurement` to point to a file. measurement: str or None The name of the measurement file used for wind normalization in `dst_wn`. If None, no wind normalization VRT will be created. gapfill: bool Perform additional gap filling (:func:`S1_NRB.ocn.gapfill`)? This is recommended if the Level-1 source product of `measurement` is GRD in which case gaps are introduced between subsequently acquired scenes. bounds: list[float] the bounds of the MGRS tile epsg: int The EPSG code of the MGRS tile driver: str GDAL driver to use for raster file creation. creation_opt: list[str] GDAL creation options to use for raster file creation. Should match specified GDAL driver. dst_nodata: float Nodata value to write to the output raster. multithread: bool Should `gdalwarp` use multithreading? resolution: int, optional The target pixel resolution in meters. 915 is chosen as default because it is closest to the OCN product resolution (1000) and still fits into the MGRS bounds (``109800 % 915 == 0``). Returns ------- """ if len(src) > 1: cmod_mosaic = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif').name gdalwarp(src=src, dst=cmod_mosaic) if gapfill: cmod_geo = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif').name ocn.gapfill(src=cmod_mosaic, dst=cmod_geo, md=2, si=1) else: cmod_geo = cmod_mosaic else: cmod_geo = src[0] if not os.path.isfile(dst_wm): print(dst_wm) gdalwarp(src=cmod_geo, dst=dst_wm, outputBounds=bounds, dstSRS=f'EPSG:{epsg}', xRes=resolution, yRes=resolution, resampleAlg='bilinear', format=driver, dstNodata=dst_nodata, multithread=multithread, creationOptions=creation_opt) if dst_wn is not None and measurement is not None: if not os.path.isfile(dst_wn): print(dst_wn) with Raster(measurement) as ras: xres, yres = ras.res create_vrt(src=[measurement, dst_wm], dst=dst_wn, fun='div', options={'xRes': xres, 'yRes': yres}, relpaths=True)