Source code for S1_NRB.dem

import os
import re
import tempfile
import itertools
from getpass import getpass
from pyroSAR.auxdata import dem_autoload, dem_create
import S1_NRB.tile_extraction as tile_ex
from S1_NRB.ancillary import generate_unique_id, get_max_ext, vrt_add_overviews
from spatialist import Raster, bbox

[docs] def prepare(vector, dem_type, dem_dir, wbm_dir, kml_file, dem_strict=True, tilenames=None, threads=None, username=None, password=None): """ Downloads DEM and WBM tiles and restructures them into the MGRS tiling scheme including re-projection and vertical datum conversion. Parameters ---------- vector: spatialist.vector.Vector The vector object for which to prepare the DEM and WBM tiles. CRS must be EPSG:4236. dem_type: str The DEM type. dem_dir: str or None The DEM target directory. DEM preparation can be skipped if set to None. wbm_dir: str or None The WBM target directory. WBM preparation can be skipped if set to None kml_file: str The KML file containing the MGRS tile geometries. dem_strict: bool strictly only create DEM tiles in the native CRS of the MGRS tile or also allow reprojection to ensure full coverage of the vector object in every CRS. tilenames: list[str] or None an optional list of MGRS tile names. Default None: process all overalapping tiles. threads: int or None The number of threads to pass to :func:`pyroSAR.auxdata.dem_create`. Default `None`: use the value of `GDAL_NUM_THREADS` without modification. username: str or None The username for accessing the DEM tiles. If None and authentication is required for the selected DEM type, the environment variable 'DEM_USER' is read. If this is not set, the user is prompted interactively to provide credentials. password: str or None The password for accessing the DEM tiles. If None: same behavior as for username but with env. variable 'DEM_PASS'. Examples -------- >>> from S1_NRB import dem >>> from spatialist import bbox >>> ext = {'xmin': 12, 'xmax': 13, 'ymin': 50, 'ymax': 51} >>> kml = 'S2A_OPER_GIP_TILPAR_MPC__20151209T095117_V20150622T000000_21000101T000000_B00.kml' # strictly only create overlapping DEM tiles in their native CRS. # Will create tiles 32UQA, 32UQB, 33UUR and 33UUS. >>> with bbox(coordinates=ext, crs=4326) as vec: >>> dem.prepare(vector=vec, dem_type='Copernicus 30m Global DEM', >>> dem_dir='DEM', wbm_dir=None, dem_strict=True, >>> kml_file=kml, threads=4) # Process all overlapping DEM tiles to each CRS. # Will additionally create tiles 32UQA_32633, 32UQB_32633, 33UUR_32632 and 33UUS_32632. >>> with bbox(coordinates=ext, crs=4326) as vec: >>> dem.prepare(vector=vec, dem_type='Copernicus 30m Global DEM', >>> dem_dir='DEM', wbm_dir=None, dem_strict=False, >>> kml_file=kml, threads=4) See Also -------- S1_NRB.tile_extraction.tile_from_aoi """ if dem_type == 'GETASSE30': geoid_convert = False else: geoid_convert = True geoid = 'EGM2008' # applies to all Copernicus DEM options tr = 10 # target resolution. Lower resolutions can be created virtually using VRTs. # additional creation options for gdalwarp create_options = ['COMPRESS=LERC_ZSTD', 'MAX_Z_ERROR=0'] # DEM options with WBMs wbm_dems = ['Copernicus 10m EEA DEM', 'Copernicus 30m Global DEM', 'Copernicus 30m Global DEM II'] if wbm_dir is not None and dem_type in wbm_dems: wbm_dir = os.path.join(wbm_dir, dem_type) else: wbm_dir = None if dem_dir is not None: dem_dir = os.path.join(dem_dir, dem_type) if wbm_dir is None and dem_dir is None: return # get the geometries of all tiles overlapping with the AOI tiles = tile_ex.tile_from_aoi(vector=vector, kml=kml_file, return_geometries=True, tilenames=tilenames) # group the returned tiles by CRS and process them separately for epsg, group in itertools.groupby(tiles, lambda x: x.getProjection('epsg')): print(f'###### [ DEM] processing EPSG:{epsg}') vectors = list(group) # In case the DEM tiles are to be prepared as well, create a new list of tiles. # This new list contains all tiles covering the AOI but all re-projected to the # current CRS. This way, a DEM mosaic can be created from prepared tiles in any # UTM zone covering the AOI while fully covering it. This was needed for processing # full SAR scenes to different UTM zones. In the current workflow this in no longer # used. if dem_dir is not None and not dem_strict: vectors = tile_ex.tile_from_aoi( vector=vector.bbox(), kml=kml_file, epsg=epsg, strict=False, return_geometries=True, tilenames=tilenames) # Get the bounding box of the tile vector objects and use this from here on ext = get_max_ext(geometries=vectors, buffer=200) with bbox(coordinates=ext, crs=epsg) as box: box.reproject(4326) ext_4326 = box.extent # create a unique ID for the names of the VRTs that will be created. ext_id = generate_unique_id(encoded_str=str(ext_4326).encode()) if dem_dir is not None: dem_names_base = ['{}_DEM.tif'.format(tile.mgrs) for tile in vectors] dem_names = [os.path.join(dem_dir, x) for x in dem_names_base] dem_target = [(tile, name) for tile, name in zip(vectors, dem_names) if not os.path.isfile(name)] fname_dem_tmp = os.path.join(dem_dir, 'mosaic_{}.vrt'.format(ext_id)) else: dem_target = dict() fname_dem_tmp = None if wbm_dir is not None: # exclude the reprojected tiles from the list of WBM tiles tiles_wbm = [x for x in vectors if not'_[0-9]*', x.mgrs)] wbm_names_base = ['{}_WBM.tif'.format(tile.mgrs) for tile in tiles_wbm] wbm_names = [os.path.join(wbm_dir, x) for x in wbm_names_base] wbm_target = [(tile, name) for tile, name in zip(tiles_wbm, wbm_names) if not os.path.isfile(name)] fname_wbm_tmp = os.path.join(wbm_dir, 'mosaic_{}.vrt'.format(ext_id)) else: wbm_target = dict() fname_wbm_tmp = None # stop if no files need to be created if len(dem_target) == 0 and len(wbm_target) == 0: continue ############################################### # DEM download and VRT mosaic creation # get download authentication if either WBM or DEM VRTs will be created c_wbm = fname_wbm_tmp is not None and not os.path.isfile(fname_wbm_tmp) c_dem = fname_dem_tmp is not None and not os.path.isfile(fname_dem_tmp) if c_wbm or c_dem: username, password = authenticate(dem_type=dem_type, username=username, password=password) # download WBM tiles and combine them in a VRT mosaic if c_wbm: os.makedirs(wbm_dir, exist_ok=True) with bbox(coordinates=ext_4326, crs=4326) as vec: dem_autoload(geometries=[vec], demType=dem_type, vrt=fname_wbm_tmp, product='wbm', username=username, password=password, crop=False) # download DEM tiles and combine them in a VRT mosaic if c_dem: os.makedirs(dem_dir, exist_ok=True) with bbox(coordinates=ext_4326, crs=4326) as vec: dem_autoload(geometries=[vec], demType=dem_type, vrt=fname_dem_tmp, product='dem', username=username, password=password, crop=False) ############################################### if len(dem_target) > 0: msg = '### creating DEM MGRS tiles: \n{tiles}' print(msg.format(tiles=[x[0].mgrs for x in dem_target])) for tile, filename in dem_target: ext = tile.extent bounds = [ext['xmin'], ext['ymin'], ext['xmax'], ext['ymax']] dem_create(src=fname_dem_tmp, dst=filename, t_srs=epsg, tr=(tr, tr), pbar=False, geoid_convert=geoid_convert, geoid=geoid, outputBounds=bounds, threads=threads, nodata=-32767, creationOptions=create_options) ############################################### if len(wbm_target) > 0: msg = '### creating WBM MGRS tiles: \n{tiles}' print(msg.format(tiles=[x[0].mgrs for x in wbm_target])) for tile, filename in wbm_target: ext = tile.extent bounds = [ext['xmin'], ext['ymin'], ext['xmax'], ext['ymax']] dem_create(src=fname_wbm_tmp, dst=filename, t_srs=epsg, tr=(tr, tr), resampleAlg='mode', pbar=False, outputBounds=bounds, threads=threads, creationOptions=create_options)
[docs] def authenticate(dem_type, username=None, password=None): """ Query the username and password. If None, environment variables DEM_USER and DEM_PASS are read. If they are also None, the user is queried interactively. Parameters ---------- dem_type: str the DEM type. Needed for determining whether authentication is needed. username: str or None The username for accessing the DEM tiles. If None and authentication is required for the selected DEM type, the environment variable 'DEM_USER' is read. If this is not set, the user is prompted interactively to provide credentials. password: str or None The password for accessing the DEM tiles. If None: same behavior as for username but with env. variable 'DEM_PASS'. Returns ------- tuple[str or None] the username and password """ dems_auth = ['Copernicus 10m EEA DEM', 'Copernicus 30m Global DEM II'] if dem_type not in dems_auth: return None, None if username is None: username = os.getenv('DEM_USER') if password is None: password = os.getenv('DEM_PASS') if username is None: username = input('Please enter your DEM access username:') if password is None: password = getpass('Please enter your DEM access password:') return username, password
[docs] def mosaic(geometry, dem_type, outname, epsg=None, kml_file=None, dem_dir=None, username=None, password=None, threads=4): """ Create a new scene-specific DEM mosaic GeoTIFF file. Can be created from MGRS-tiled DEMs as created by :func:`S1_NRB.dem.prepare` or ad hoc using :func:`pyroSAR.auxdata.dem_autoload` and :func:`pyroSAR.auxdata.dem_create`. In the former case the arguments `username`, `password` and `threads` are ignored and all tiles found in `dem_dir` are read. In the latter case the arguments `epsg`, `kml_file` and `dem_dir` are ignored and the DEM is only mosaiced and geoid-corrected. Parameters ---------- geometry: spatialist.vector.Vector The geometry to be covered by the mosaic. dem_type: str The DEM type. outname: str The name of the mosaic. epsg: int or None The coordinate reference system as an EPSG code. kml_file: str or None The KML file containing the MGRS tile geometries. dem_dir: str or None The directory containing the DEM MGRS tiles. username: str or None The username for accessing the DEM tiles. If None and authentication is required for the selected DEM type, the environment variable 'DEM_USER' is read. If this is not set, the user is prompted interactively to provide credentials. password: str or None The password for accessing the DEM tiles. If None: same behavior as for username but with env. variable 'DEM_PASS'. threads: int The number of threads to pass to :func:`pyroSAR.auxdata.dem_create`. """ if not os.path.isfile(outname): if dem_dir is not None: dem_buffer = 200 # meters with geometry.clone() as footprint: footprint.reproject(epsg) extent = footprint.extent extent['xmin'] -= dem_buffer extent['ymin'] -= dem_buffer extent['xmax'] += dem_buffer extent['ymax'] += dem_buffer with bbox(extent, epsg) as dem_box: tiles = tile_ex.tile_from_aoi(vector=geometry, kml=kml_file, epsg=epsg, strict=False) dem_names = [os.path.join(dem_dir, dem_type, '{}_DEM.tif'.format(tile)) for tile in tiles] with Raster(dem_names, list_separate=False)[dem_box] as dem_mosaic: dem_mosaic.write(outname, format='GTiff') else: username, password = authenticate(dem_type=dem_type, username=username, password=password) buffer = 0.01 # degrees if dem_type == 'GETASSE30': geoid_convert = False else: geoid_convert = True geoid = 'EGM2008' vrt = outname.replace('.tif', '.vrt') dem_autoload([geometry], demType=dem_type, vrt=vrt, buffer=buffer, product='dem', username=username, password=password) dem_create(src=vrt, dst=outname, pbar=False, geoid_convert=geoid_convert, geoid=geoid, threads=threads, nodata=-32767)
[docs] def to_mgrs(tile, dst, kml, dem_type, overviews, tr, format='COG', create_options=None, threads=None, pbar=False): """ Create an MGRS-tiled DEM file. Parameters ---------- tile: str the MGRS tile ID dst: str the destination file name kml: str The KML file containing the MGRS tile geometries. dem_type: str The DEM type. overviews: list[int] The overview levels tr: tuple[int or float] the target resolution as (x, y) format: str the output file format create_options: list[str] or None additional creation options to be passed to :func:`spatialist.auxil.gdalwarp`. threads: int or None The number of threads to pass to :func:`pyroSAR.auxdata.dem_create`. Default `None`: use the value of `GDAL_NUM_THREADS` without modification. pbar: bool Returns ------- """ if dem_type == 'GETASSE30': geoid_convert = False else: geoid_convert = True geoid = 'EGM2008' # applies to all Copernicus DEM options with tile_ex.aoi_from_tile(kml=kml, tile=tile) as vec: ext = vec.extent epsg = vec.getProjection('epsg') bounds = [ext['xmin'], ext['ymin'], ext['xmax'], ext['ymax']] buffer = 200 ext['xmin'] -= buffer ext['ymin'] -= buffer ext['xmax'] += buffer ext['ymax'] += buffer vrt = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.vrt').name with bbox(coordinates=ext, crs=epsg) as vec: vec.reproject(4326) dem_autoload(geometries=[vec], demType=dem_type, vrt=vrt) vrt_add_overviews(vrt=vrt, overviews=overviews) dem_create(src=vrt, dst=dst, t_srs=epsg, tr=tr, geoid_convert=geoid_convert, geoid=geoid, pbar=pbar, outputBounds=bounds, threads=threads, format=format, creationOptions=create_options)