Source code for S1_NRB.ocn

import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal, osr
from spatialist.ancillary import finder

[docs] def extract(src, dst, variable): """ Extract an OCN product's image variable and write it to a new GeoTIFF file. Coordinates are extracted from the corresponding latitude and longitude image variables and the corner coordinates written as ground control points (GCPs) to the output file. Parameters ---------- src: str path to OCN product SAFE folder dst: str the name of the GeoTIFF file to write variable: str name of the layer to extract from the OCN product, e.g. `owiNrcsCmod` Returns ------- """ ocn_target = finder(target=src, matchlist=['*.nc'])[0] ras_ocn = gdal.Open(f'NETCDF:{ocn_target}:{variable}') arr = ras_ocn.ReadAsArray() lines, samples = arr.shape driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') ras_out = driver.CreateCopy(dst, ras_ocn) ras_lat = gdal.Open(f'NETCDF:{ocn_target}:{variable[:3]}Lat') ras_lon = gdal.Open(f'NETCDF:{ocn_target}:{variable[:3]}Lon') arr_lat = ras_lat.ReadAsArray() arr_lon = ras_lon.ReadAsArray() ras_lat = ras_lon = None xres = (np.max(arr_lon) - np.min(arr_lon)) / samples yres = (np.max(arr_lat) - np.min(arr_lat)) / lines # coordinates are at pixel center ulx = float(arr_lon[0, 0]) - xres / 2 uly = float(arr_lat[0, 0]) + yres / 2 urx = float(arr_lon[0, -1]) - xres / 2 ury = float(arr_lat[0, -1]) + yres / 2 llx = float(arr_lon[-1, 0]) - xres / 2 lly = float(arr_lat[-1, 0]) + yres / 2 lrx = float(arr_lon[-1, -1]) - xres / 2 lry = float(arr_lat[-1, -1]) + yres / 2 gcps = [gdal.GCP(ulx, uly, 0, 0, 0), gdal.GCP(urx, ury, 0, samples, 0), gdal.GCP(lrx, lry, 0, samples, lines), gdal.GCP(llx, lly, 0, 0, lines)] crs = osr.SpatialReference() crs.SetFromUserInput('EPSG:4326') ras_out.SetGCPs(gcps, crs) outband = ras_out.GetRasterBand(1) outband.SetNoDataValue(-999) outband.WriteArray(arr, 0, 0) del arr, arr_lat, arr_lon outband = None ras_out = None ras_ocn = None
[docs] def gapfill(src, dst, md, si): """ Fill gaps of an image file using GDAL. Parameters ---------- src: str the source image file dst: str the destination image file with gaps filled md: int the interpolation maximum distance si: int the number of smoothing iterations Returns ------- See Also -------- osgeo.gdal.FillNodata """ ras = gdal.Open(src) band = ras.GetRasterBand(1) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') out = driver.CreateCopy(dst, ras) out_band = out.GetRasterBand(1) arr = band.ReadAsArray() out_band.WriteArray(arr) mask = band.GetMaskBand() result = gdal.FillNodata(out_band, mask, md, si) out_band = None out = None band = None ras = None