Source code for S1_NRB.ancillary

import os
import sys
import logging
import binascii
from datetime import datetime
from osgeo import gdal
import spatialist
import pyroSAR
from pyroSAR import examine
import S1_NRB

[docs]def generate_unique_id(encoded_str): """ Returns a unique product identifier as a hexa-decimal string generated from the time of execution in isoformat. The CRC-16 algorithm used to compute the unique identifier is CRC-CCITT (0xFFFF). Parameters ---------- encoded_str: bytes A string that should be used to generate a unique id from. The string needs to be encoded; e.g.: `'abc'.encode()` Returns ------- p_id: str The unique product identifier. """ crc = binascii.crc_hqx(encoded_str, 0xffff) p_id = '{:04X}'.format(crc & 0xffff) return p_id
[docs]def get_max_ext(geometries, buffer=None): """ Gets the maximum extent from a list of geometries. Parameters ---------- geometries: list[spatialist.vector.Vector] List of :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` geometries. buffer: float, optional The buffer in degrees to add to the extent. Returns ------- max_ext: dict The maximum extent of the selected :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` geometries including the chosen buffer. """ max_ext = {} for geo in geometries: if len(max_ext.keys()) == 0: max_ext = geo.extent else: ext = geo.extent for key in ['xmin', 'ymin']: if ext[key] < max_ext[key]: max_ext[key] = ext[key] for key in ['xmax', 'ymax']: if ext[key] > max_ext[key]: max_ext[key] = ext[key] max_ext = dict(max_ext) if buffer is not None: max_ext['xmin'] -= buffer max_ext['xmax'] += buffer max_ext['ymin'] -= buffer max_ext['ymax'] += buffer return max_ext
[docs]def set_logging(config, debug=False): """ Set logging for the current process. Parameters ---------- config: dict Dictionary of the parsed config parameters for the current process. debug: bool, optional Set pyroSAR logging level to DEBUG? Default is False. Returns ------- log_local: logging.Logger The log handler for the current process. """ # pyroSAR logging as sys.stdout log_pyro = logging.getLogger('pyroSAR') if debug: log_pyro.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: log_pyro.setLevel(logging.INFO) sh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) log_pyro.addHandler(sh) # NRB logging in logfile now ='%Y%m%dT%H%M') log_local = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_local.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log_file = os.path.join(config['log_dir'], f"{now}_process.log") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(log_file), exist_ok=True) fh = logging.FileHandler(filename=log_file, mode='a') log_local.addHandler(fh) # Add header first with simple formatting form_simple = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") fh.setFormatter(form_simple) _log_process_config(logger=log_local, config=config) # Use normal formatting from here on out form = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)8s] %(message)s") fh.setFormatter(form) return log_local
def _log_process_config(logger, config): """ Adds a header to the logfile, which includes information about the current processing configuration. Parameters ---------- logger: Logger The logger to which the header is added to. config: dict Dictionary of the parsed config parameters for the current process. """ try: core = examine.ExamineSnap().get_version('core') s1tbx = examine.ExamineSnap().get_version('s1tbx') snap_core = f"{core['version']} | {core['date']}" snap_s1tbx = f"{s1tbx['version']} | {s1tbx['date']}" except RuntimeError: snap_core = 'unknown' snap_s1tbx = 'unknown' header = f""" ==================================================================================================================== PROCESSING CONFIGURATION mode = {config['mode']} aoi_tiles = {config['aoi_tiles']} aoi_geometry = {config['aoi_geometry']} mindate = {config['mindate'].isoformat()} maxdate = {config['maxdate'].isoformat()} acq_mode = {config['acq_mode']} work_dir = {config['work_dir']} scene_dir = {config['scene_dir']} rtc_dir = {config['rtc_dir']} tmp_dir = {config['tmp_dir']} nrb_dir = {config['nrb_dir']} dem_dir = {config['dem_dir']} wbm_dir = {config['wbm_dir']} log_dir = {config['log_dir']} db_file = {config['db_file']} kml_file = {config['kml_file']} dem_type = {config.get('dem_type')} ==================================================================================================================== SOFTWARE S1_NRB: {S1_NRB.__version__} snap-core: {snap_core} snap-s1tbx: {snap_s1tbx} python: {sys.version} python-pyroSAR: {pyroSAR.__version__} python-spatialist: {spatialist.__version__} python-GDAL: {gdal.__version__} gdal_threads = {config.get('gdal_threads')} ==================================================================================================================== """
[docs]def log(handler, mode, proc_step, scenes, epsg, msg): """ Format and handle log messages during processing. Parameters ---------- handler: logging.Logger The log handler for the current process. mode: str One of ['info', 'warning', 'exception']. Calls the respective logging helper function. E.g., ``. proc_step: str The processing step for which the message is logged. scenes: str or list[str] Scenes that are currently being processed. epsg: int The coordinate reference system as an EPSG code. msg: Any The massage that should be logged. """ proc_step = proc_step.zfill(7).replace('0', ' ') message = '[{proc_step}] -- {scenes} [{epsg}] -- {msg}' message = message.format(proc_step=proc_step, scenes=scenes, epsg=epsg, msg=msg) if mode == 'info': elif mode == 'warning': handler.warning(message) elif mode == 'exception': handler.exception(message) else: raise RuntimeError('log mode {} is not supported'.format(mode))