Source code for S1_NRB.tile_extraction

import re
from lxml import html
from spatialist.vector import Vector, wkt2vector, bbox
from S1_NRB.ancillary import get_max_ext

[docs]def tiles_from_aoi(vectorobject, kml, epsg=None, strict=True): """ Return a list of unique MGRS tile IDs that overlap with an area of interest (AOI) provided as a :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` object. Parameters ------- vectorobject: spatialist.vector.Vector The vector object to read. kml: str Path to the Sentinel-2 tiling grid kml file provided by ESA, which can be retrieved from: epsg: int or list[int] or None Define which EPSG code(s) are allowed for the tile selection. If None, all tile IDs are returned regardless of projection. strict: bool Strictly only return the names of the overlapping tiles in the target projection or also allow reprojection of neighbouring tiles? In the latter case a tile name takes the form <tile ID>_<EPSG code>, e.g. `33TUN_32632`. Only applies if argument `epsg` is of type `int` or a list with one element. Returns ------- tiles: list[str] A list of unique MGRS tile IDs. """ if isinstance(epsg, int): epsg = [epsg] if vectorobject.getProjection('epsg') != 4326: raise RuntimeError('the CRS of the input vector object must be EPSG:4326') with Vector(kml, driver='KML') as vec: tilenames = [] vectorobject.layer.ResetReading() for item in vectorobject.layer: geom = item.GetGeometryRef() vec.layer.SetSpatialFilter(geom) for tile in vec.layer: tilename = tile.GetField('Name') if tilename not in tilenames: attrib = description2dict(tile.GetField('Description')) if epsg is not None and attrib['EPSG'] not in epsg: if len(epsg) == 1 and not strict: tilename += '_{}'.format(epsg[0]) else: continue tilenames.append(tilename) vectorobject.layer.ResetReading() tile = None geom = None item = None return sorted(tilenames)
[docs]def aoi_from_tiles(kml, tiles): """ Returns the bounding box of a list of MGRS tile IDs as a :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` object. Parameters ---------- kml: str Path to the Sentinel-2 tiling grid KML file. tiles: list[str] A list of unique MGRS tile IDs. Returns ------- spatialist.vector.Vector Notes ----- The global Sentinel-2 tiling grid can be retrieved from: """ geometries = [] for tile in tiles: geom = extract_tile(kml=kml, tile=tile) geom.reproject(4326) geometries.append(geom) max_ext = get_max_ext(geometries=geometries) return bbox(max_ext, crs=4326)
[docs]def extract_tile(kml, tile): """ Extract an MGRS tile from the global Sentinel-2 tiling grid and return it as a :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` object. Parameters ---------- kml: str Path to the Sentinel-2 tiling grid KML file. tile: str The MGRS tile ID that should be extracted and returned as a vector object. Can also be expressed as <tile ID>_<EPSG code> (e.g. `33TUN_32632`). In this case the geometry of the tile is reprojected to the target EPSG code, its corner coordinates rounded to multiples of 10, and a new :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` object created. Returns ------- spatialist.vector.Vector Notes ----- The global Sentinel-2 tiling grid can be retrieved from: """ tilename, epsg ='([A-Z0-9]{5})_?([0-9]+)?', tile).groups() with Vector(kml, driver='KML') as vec: feat = vec.getFeatureByAttribute('Name', tilename) attrib = description2dict(feat.GetField('Description')) feat = None if epsg is None: return wkt2vector(attrib['UTM_WKT'], attrib['EPSG']) else: with wkt2vector(attrib['UTM_WKT'], attrib['EPSG']) as tmp: tmp.reproject(int(epsg)) ext = tmp.extent for k, v in ext.items(): ext[k] = round(v / 10) * 10 return bbox(ext, crs=int(epsg))
[docs]def description2dict(description): """ Convert the HTML description field of the MGRS tile KML file to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- description: str The plain text of the `Description` field Returns ------- attrib: dict A dictionary with keys 'TILE_ID', 'EPSG', 'MGRS_REF', 'UTM_WKT' and 'LL_WKT'. The value of field 'EPSG' is of type integer, all others are strings. """ attrib = html.fromstring(description) attrib = [x for x in attrib.xpath('//tr/td//text()') if x != ' '] attrib = dict(zip(attrib[0::2], attrib[1::2])) attrib['EPSG'] = int(attrib['EPSG']) return attrib
[docs]def get_tile_dict(config, spacing): """ Creates a dictionary with information for each unique MGRS tile ID that is being processed (extent, epsg code) as well as alignment coordinates that can be passed to the `standardGridOriginX` and `standardGridOriginY` parameters of :func:`pyroSAR.snap.util.geocode` Parameters ---------- config: dict Dictionary of the parsed config parameters for the current process. spacing: int The target pixel spacing in meters, which is passed to :func:`pyroSAR.snap.util.geocode`. Returns ------- tile_dict: dict The output dictionary containing information about each unique MGRS tile ID and alignment coordinates. """ try: with Vector(config['aoi_geometry']) as aoi: tiles = tiles_from_aoi(aoi, kml=config['kml_file']) except AttributeError: tiles = config['aoi_tiles'] geo_dict = {} for tile in tiles: with extract_tile(kml=config['kml_file'], tile=tile) as vec: ext = vec.extent epsg = vec.getProjection('epsg') xmax = ext['xmax'] - spacing / 2 ymin = ext['ymin'] + spacing / 2 geo_dict[tile] = {'ext': ext, 'epsg': epsg, 'xmax': xmax, 'ymin': ymin} align_dict = {'xmax': max([geo_dict[tile]['xmax'] for tile in list(geo_dict.keys())]), 'ymin': min([geo_dict[tile]['ymin'] for tile in list(geo_dict.keys())])} geo_dict['align'] = align_dict return geo_dict