Source code for S1_NRB.archive

import os
import re
import time
from lxml import etree
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from pystac_client import Client
import pystac_client.exceptions
from spatialist import Vector
import asf_search as asf

[docs]class STACArchive(object): """ Search for scenes in a SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog. Scenes are expected to be unpacked with a folder suffix .SAFE. The interface is kept consistent with :class:`pyroSAR.drivers.Archive`. Parameters ---------- url: str the catalog URL collections: str or list[str] the catalog collection(s) to be searched """ def __init__(self, url, collections): self.url = url self.max_tries = 300 self._open_catalog() if isinstance(collections, str): self.collections = [collections] elif isinstance(collections, list): self.collections = collections else: raise TypeError("'collections' must be of type str or list") def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() @staticmethod def _get_proc_time(scene): with open(os.path.join(scene, ''), 'rb') as f: tree = etree.fromstring( proc = tree.find(path='.//xmlData/safe:processing', namespaces=tree.nsmap) start = proc.attrib['start'] del tree, proc return datetime.strptime(start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') def _filter_duplicates(self, scenes): tmp = sorted(scenes) pattern = '([0-9A-Z_]{16})_([0-9T]{15})_([0-9T]{15})' keep = [] i = 0 while i < len(tmp): group = [tmp[i]] match1 =, os.path.basename(tmp[i])).groups() j = i + 1 while j < len(tmp): match2 =, os.path.basename(tmp[j])).groups() if match1 == match2: group.append(tmp[j]) j += 1 else: break if len(group) > 1: tproc = [self._get_proc_time(x) for x in group] keep.append(group[tproc.index(max(tproc))]) else: keep.append(group[0]) i = j return keep def _open_catalog(self): i = 1 while True: try: self.catalog = # print('catalog opened successfully') break except pystac_client.exceptions.APIError: # print(f'failed opening the catalog at try {i:03d}/{self.max_tries}') if i < self.max_tries: i += 1 time.sleep(1) else: raise
[docs] def close(self): del self.catalog
[docs] def select(self, sensor=None, product=None, acquisition_mode=None, mindate=None, maxdate=None, frameNumber=None, vectorobject=None, date_strict=True, check_exist=True): """ Select scenes from the catalog. Used STAC keys: - platform - start_datetime - end_datetime - sar:instrument_mode - sar:product_type - s1:datatake (custom) Parameters ---------- sensor: str or list[str] or None S1A or S1B product: str or list[str] or None GRD or SLC acquisition_mode: str or list[str] or None IW, EW or SM mindate: str or datetime.datetime or None the minimum acquisition date maxdate: str or datetime.datetime or None the maximum acquisition date frameNumber: int or list[int] or None the data take ID in decimal representation. Requires custom STAC key `s1:datatake`. vectorobject: spatialist.vector.Vector or None a geometry with which the scenes need to overlap date_strict: bool treat dates as strict limits or also allow flexible limits to incorporate scenes whose acquisition period overlaps with the defined limit? - strict: start >= mindate & stop <= maxdate - not strict: stop >= mindate & start <= maxdate check_exist: bool check whether found files exist locally? Returns ------- list[str] the locations of the scene directories with suffix .SAFE See Also -------- """ pars = locals() del pars['date_strict'] del pars['check_exist'] del pars['self'] lookup = {'product': 'sar:product_type', 'acquisition_mode': 'sar:instrument_mode', 'mindate': 'start_datetime', 'maxdate': 'end_datetime', 'sensor': 'platform', 'frameNumber': 's1:datatake'} lookup_platform = {'S1A': 'sentinel-1a', 'S1B': 'sentinel-1b'} flt = {'op': 'and', 'args': []} for key in pars.keys(): val = pars[key] if val is None: continue if key == 'mindate': if isinstance(val, datetime): val = datetime.strftime(val, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') if date_strict: arg = {'op': '>=', 'args': [{'property': 'start_datetime'}, val]} else: arg = {'op': '>=', 'args': [{'property': 'end_datetime'}, val]} elif key == 'maxdate': if isinstance(val, datetime): val = datetime.strftime(val, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') if date_strict: arg = {'op': '<=', 'args': [{'property': 'end_datetime'}, val]} else: arg = {'op': '<=', 'args': [{'property': 'start_datetime'}, val]} elif key == 'vectorobject': if isinstance(val, Vector): with val.clone() as vec: vec.reproject(4326) ext = vec.extent arg = {'op': 's_intersects', 'args': [{'property': 'geometry'}, {'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[[ext['xmin'], ext['ymin']], [ext['xmin'], ext['ymax']], [ext['xmax'], ext['ymax']], [ext['xmax'], ext['ymin']], [ext['xmin'], ext['ymin']]]]}], } else: raise TypeError('argument vectorobject must be of type spatialist.vector.Vector') else: args = [] if isinstance(val, (str, int)): val = [val] for v in val: if key == 'sensor': value = lookup_platform[v] elif key == 'frameNumber': value = '{:06X}'.format(v) # convert to hexadecimal else: value = v a = {'op': '=', 'args': [{'property': lookup[key]}, value]} args.append(a) if len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] else: arg = {'op': 'or', 'args': args} flt['args'].append(arg) t = 1 while True: try: result =, filter=flt, max_items=None) result = list(result.items()) # print('catalog search successful') break except pystac_client.exceptions.APIError: # print(f'failed searching the catalog at try {t:03d}/{self.max_tries}') if t < self.max_tries: t += 1 time.sleep(1) else: raise out = [] for item in result: assets = item.assets ref = assets[list(assets.keys())[0]] href = ref.href path = href['\.SAFE', href).end()] path = re.sub('^file://', '', path) if Path(path).exists(): path = os.path.realpath(path) else: if check_exist: raise RuntimeError('scene does not exist locally:', path) out.append(path) out = self._filter_duplicates(out) return out
[docs]def asf_select(sensor, product, acquisition_mode, mindate, maxdate): """ Search scenes in the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) data catalog using the `asf_search <>`_ package. This simplified function is solely intended for cross-checking an online catalog in :func:`S1_NRB.ancillary.check_acquisition_completeness`. Parameters ---------- sensor: str S1A or S1B product: str GRD or SLC acquisition_mode: str IW, EW or SM mindate: str the minimum acquisition date maxdate: str the maximum acquisition date Returns ------- list[str] the IDs of the found scenes """ if product == 'GRD': processing_level = ['GRD_HD', 'GRD_MD', 'GRD_MS', 'GRD_HS', 'GRD_FD'] else: processing_level = product if acquisition_mode == 'SM': beam_mode = ['S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5', 'S6'] else: beam_mode = acquisition_mode start = datetime.strptime(mindate, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') end = datetime.strptime(maxdate, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') result ='S1', 'Sentinel-1'), processingLevel=processing_level, beamMode=beam_mode, start=start, end=end).geojson() scenes = sorted([x['properties']['sceneName'] for x in result['features']]) return scenes