Source code for S1_NRB.processor

import os
import time
from osgeo import gdal
from spatialist import Vector, bbox, intersect
from spatialist.ancillary import finder
from pyroSAR import identify_many, Archive
from S1_NRB import etad, dem, ard, snap
from S1_NRB.config import get_config, snap_conf, gdal_conf
import S1_NRB.ancillary as anc
import S1_NRB.tile_extraction as tile_ex
from S1_NRB.archive import STACArchive
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from S1_NRB import ocn


[docs]def main(config_file, section_name='PROCESSING', debug=False, **kwargs): """ Main function that initiates and controls the processing workflow. Parameters ---------- config_file: str Full path to a `config.ini` file. section_name: str Section name of the `config.ini` file that processing parameters should be parsed from. Default is 'PROCESSING'. debug: bool Set pyroSAR logging level to DEBUG? Default is False. **kwargs extra arguments to override parameters in the config file. E.g. `acq_mode`. """ update = False # update existing products? Internal development flag. config = get_config(config_file=config_file, proc_section=section_name, **kwargs) logger = anc.set_logging(config=config, debug=debug) geocode_prms = snap_conf(config=config) gdal_prms = gdal_conf(config=config) anc.check_spacing(geocode_prms['spacing']) sar_flag = 'sar' in config['mode'] nrb_flag = 'nrb' in config['mode'] orb_flag = 'orb' in config['mode'] # DEM download authentication username, password = dem.authenticate(dem_type=config['dem_type'], username=None, password=None) #################################################################################################################### # archive / scene selection if config['acq_mode'] == 'SM': acq_mode_search = ('S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5', 'S6') else: acq_mode_search = config['acq_mode'] vec = None aoi_tiles = None selection = [] if config['aoi_tiles'] is not None: vec = tile_ex.aoi_from_tile(kml=config['kml_file'], tile=config['aoi_tiles']) if not isinstance(vec, list): vec = [vec] aoi_tiles = config['aoi_tiles'] elif config['aoi_geometry'] is not None: vec = [Vector(config['aoi_geometry'])] aoi_tiles = tile_ex.tile_from_aoi(vector=vec[0], kml=config['kml_file']) if config['datatake'] is not None: datatake = [int(x, 16) for x in config['datatake']] else: datatake = None if config['db_file'] is not None: scenes = finder(config['scene_dir'], [r'^S1[AB].*(SAFE|zip)$'], regex=True, recursive=True, foldermode=1) archive = Archive(dbfile=config['db_file']) archive.insert(scenes) else: archive = STACArchive(url=config['stac_catalog'], collections=config['stac_collections']) # derive geometries and tiles from scene footprints if vec is None: selection_tmp =['sensor'], vectorobject=None, product=config['product'], acquisition_mode=acq_mode_search, mindate=config['mindate'], maxdate=config['maxdate'], frameNumber=datatake, date_strict=config['date_strict']) scenes = identify_many(scenes=selection_tmp) scenes_geom = [x.geometry() for x in scenes] # select all tiles overlapping with the scenes for further processing vec = tile_ex.tile_from_aoi(vector=scenes_geom, kml=config['kml_file'], return_geometries=True) aoi_tiles = [x.mgrs for x in vec] del scenes_geom, scenes # extend the time range to fully cover all tiles # (one additional scene needed before and after each data take group) mindate = config['mindate'] - timedelta(minutes=1) maxdate = config['maxdate'] + timedelta(minutes=1) else: mindate = config['mindate'] maxdate = config['maxdate'] for item in vec: selection.extend(['sensor'], vectorobject=item, product=config['product'], acquisition_mode=acq_mode_search, mindate=mindate, maxdate=maxdate, frameNumber=datatake, date_strict=config['date_strict'])) selection = list(set(selection)) del vec if len(selection) == 0: msg = "No scenes could be found for the following search query:\n" \ " sensor: '{sensor}'\n" \ " product: '{product}'\n" \ " acq. mode: '{acq_mode}'\n" \ " mindate: '{mindate}'\n" \ " maxdate: '{maxdate}'\n" \ " date_strict: '{date_strict}'\n" \ " datatake: '{datatake}'\n" print(msg.format(sensor=config['sensor'], acq_mode=config['acq_mode'], product=config['product'], mindate=config['mindate'], maxdate=config['maxdate'], date_strict=config['date_strict'], datatake=config['datatake'])) archive.close() return print('found the following scene(s):') print('\n'.join(selection)) scenes = identify_many(selection, sortkey='start') anc.check_acquisition_completeness(scenes=scenes, archive=archive) # OCN scene selection if 'wm' in config['annotation']: scenes_ocn = [] for scene in scenes: start = datetime.strptime(scene.start, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') start -= timedelta(seconds=2) stop = datetime.strptime(scene.stop, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') stop += timedelta(seconds=2) result ='OCN', mindate=start, maxdate=stop, date_strict=True) if len(result) == 1: scenes_ocn.append(result[0]) else: if len(result) == 0: print('could not find an OCN product for scene', scene.scene) else: print('found multiple OCN products for scene', scene.scene) print('\n'.join(result)) archive.close() return scenes_ocn = identify_many(scenes_ocn) else: scenes_ocn = [] archive.close() if aoi_tiles is None: vec = [x.bbox() for x in scenes] aoi_tiles = tile_ex.tile_from_aoi(vector=vec, kml=config['kml_file']) del vec #################################################################################################################### # annotation layer selection annotation = config.get('annotation', None) measurement = config['measurement'] export_extra = None lookup = {'dm': 'layoverShadowMask', 'ei': 'incidenceAngleFromEllipsoid', 'lc': 'scatteringArea', 'ld': 'lookDirection', 'li': 'localIncidenceAngle', 'np': 'NESZ', 'gs': 'gammaSigmaRatio', 'sg': 'sigmaGammaRatio'} if annotation is not None: annotation = ['gs' if x == 'ratio' and measurement == 'gamma' else 'sg' if x == 'ratio' else x for x in annotation] export_extra = [] for layer in annotation: if layer in lookup: export_extra.append(lookup[layer]) #################################################################################################################### # main SAR processing if sar_flag: for i, scene in enumerate(scenes): scene_base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(scene.scene))[0] out_dir_scene = os.path.join(config['sar_dir'], scene_base) tmp_dir_scene = os.path.join(config['tmp_dir'], scene_base) print(f'###### [ SAR] Scene {i + 1}/{len(scenes)}: {scene.scene}') if os.path.isdir(out_dir_scene) and not update: msg = 'Already processed - Skip!' print('### ' + msg) anc.log(handler=logger, mode='info', proc_step='GEOCODE', scenes=scene.scene, msg=msg) continue else: os.makedirs(out_dir_scene, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(tmp_dir_scene, exist_ok=True) ############################################################################################################ # Preparation of DEM for SAR processing dem_type_lookup = {'Copernicus 10m EEA DEM': 'EEA10', 'Copernicus 30m Global DEM II': 'GLO30II', 'Copernicus 30m Global DEM': 'GLO30', 'GETASSE30': 'GETASSE30'} dem_type_short = dem_type_lookup[config['dem_type']] fname_base_dem = scene_base + f'_DEM_{dem_type_short}.tif' fname_dem = os.path.join(tmp_dir_scene, fname_base_dem) os.makedirs(tmp_dir_scene, exist_ok=True) print('###### [ DEM] creating scene-specific mosaic:', fname_dem) with scene.bbox() as geom: dem.mosaic(geometry=geom, outname=fname_dem, dem_type=config['dem_type'], username=username, password=password) ############################################################################################################ # ETAD correction if config['etad']: msg = '###### [ ETAD] Scene {s}/{s_total}: {scene}' print(msg.format(s=i + 1, s_total=len(scenes), scene=scene.scene)) scene = etad.process(scene=scene, etad_dir=config['etad_dir'], out_dir=tmp_dir_scene, log=logger) ############################################################################################################ # determination of look factors if scene.product == 'SLC': rlks = {'IW': 5, 'SM': 6, 'EW': 3}[config['acq_mode']] rlks *= int(geocode_prms['spacing'] / 10) azlks = {'IW': 1, 'SM': 6, 'EW': 1}[config['acq_mode']] azlks *= int(geocode_prms['spacing'] / 10) else: rlks = azlks = None ############################################################################################################ # get neighbouring GRD scenes to add a buffer to the geocoded scenes # otherwise there will be a gap between final geocoded images. neighbors = None if scene.product == 'GRD': print('###### [ SAR] collecting GRD neighbors') f = '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S' td = timedelta(seconds=2) start = datetime.strptime(scene.start, f) - td start = datetime.strftime(start, f) stop = datetime.strptime(scene.stop, f) + td stop = datetime.strftime(stop, f) if config['db_file'] is not None: archive = Archive(dbfile=config['db_file']) else: archive = STACArchive(url=config['stac_catalog'], collections=config['stac_collections']) neighbors =, maxdate=stop, date_strict=False, sensor=scene.sensor, product=scene.product, acquisition_mode=scene.acquisition_mode) archive.close() del neighbors[neighbors.index(scene.scene)] ############################################################################################################ # main processing routine start_time = time.time() try: snap.process(scene=scene.scene, outdir=config['sar_dir'], measurement=measurement, tmpdir=config['tmp_dir'], kml=config['kml_file'], dem=fname_dem, neighbors=neighbors, export_extra=export_extra, gpt_args=config['snap_gpt_args'], rlks=rlks, azlks=azlks, **geocode_prms) t = round((time.time() - start_time), 2) anc.log(handler=logger, mode='info', proc_step='SAR', scenes=scene.scene, msg=t) except Exception as e: anc.log(handler=logger, mode='exception', proc_step='SAR', scenes=scene.scene, msg=e) raise #################################################################################################################### # OCN preparation for scene in scenes_ocn: if scene.compression is not None: scene.unpack(directory=config['tmp_dir'], exist_ok=True) basename = os.path.basename(scene.scene).replace('.SAFE', '') outdir = os.path.join(config['sar_dir'], basename) os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) for v in ['owiNrcsCmod', 'owiEcmwfWindSpeed', 'owiEcmwfWindDirection']: out = os.path.join(outdir, f'{v}.tif') if not os.path.isfile(out): ocn.extract(src=scene.scene, dst=out, variable=v) #################################################################################################################### # ARD - final product generation if nrb_flag or orb_flag: product_type = 'NRB' if nrb_flag else 'ORB' # prepare WBM MGRS tiles vec = [x.geometry() for x in scenes] extent = anc.get_max_ext(geometries=vec) del vec with bbox(coordinates=extent, crs=4326) as box: dem.prepare(vector=box, threads=gdal_prms['threads'], dem_dir=None, wbm_dir=config['wbm_dir'], dem_type=config['dem_type'], kml_file=config['kml_file'], tilenames=aoi_tiles, username=username, password=password, dem_strict=True) print('preparing {} products'.format(product_type)) selection_grouped = anc.group_by_time(scenes=scenes) for s, group in enumerate(selection_grouped): # check that the scenes can really be grouped together anc.check_scene_consistency(scenes=group) # get the geometries of all tiles that overlap with the current scene group vec = [x.geometry() for x in group] tiles = tile_ex.tile_from_aoi(vector=vec, kml=config['kml_file'], return_geometries=True, tilenames=aoi_tiles) del vec t_total = len(tiles) s_total = len(selection_grouped) for t, tile in enumerate(tiles): # select all scenes from the group whose footprint overlaps with the current tile scenes_sub = [x for x in group if intersect(tile, x.geometry())] scenes_sub_fnames = [x.scene for x in scenes_sub] outdir = os.path.join(config['ard_dir'], tile.mgrs) os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) fname_wbm = os.path.join(config['wbm_dir'], config['dem_type'], '{}_WBM.tif'.format(tile.mgrs)) if not os.path.isfile(fname_wbm): fname_wbm = None add_dem = True # add the DEM as output layer? dem_type = config['dem_type'] if add_dem else None extent = tile.extent epsg = tile.getProjection('epsg') msg = '###### [ {product_type}] Tile {t}/{t_total}: {tile} | Scenes: {scenes} ' print(msg.format(tile=tile.mgrs, t=t + 1, t_total=t_total, scenes=[os.path.basename(s) for s in scenes_sub_fnames], product_type=product_type, s=s + 1, s_total=s_total)) try: msg = ard.format(config=config, product_type=product_type, scenes=scenes_sub_fnames, datadir=config['sar_dir'], outdir=outdir, tile=tile.mgrs, extent=extent, epsg=epsg, wbm=fname_wbm, dem_type=dem_type, kml=config['kml_file'], multithread=gdal_prms['multithread'], annotation=annotation, update=update) if msg == 'Already processed - Skip!': print('### ' + msg) anc.log(handler=logger, mode='info', proc_step=product_type, scenes=scenes_sub_fnames, msg=msg) except Exception as e: anc.log(handler=logger, mode='exception', proc_step=product_type, scenes=scenes_sub_fnames, msg=e) raise del tiles gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_NUM_THREADS', gdal_prms['threads_before'])